Avira for Mac
Best Mac antivirus with free VPN and password manager included
With an ever increasing number of threats detected on macOS, it's time you equipped yourself with proper defenses.
Avira Free Security protects you from millions of threats, including ransomware, spyware, and adware.
Unlike most security vendors, Avira doesn't sell your data and never will. Nor do we share your data with 3rd parties such as government, Big Tech or advertising networks.
The Avira Antivirus for Mac software is our simple and elegant solution for your online security. Easy to use, the Mac virus scan starts with just the push of a button. Your Mac is protected from online threats such as Trojans, viruses, adware, and spyware by our award-winning technology and easy-to-use interface. The Activity Stream displays all security-related information in real-time, showing constantly-updated protection. Our Apple virus scan works silently in the background and won’t slow down your system – carry on working without worrying about online threats.
Simple and effective: The Avira Antivirus for Mac
Your Mac also needs protection, and our Antivirus for Mac blocks thousands of threats each day.
protection means that your Mac is secure against malicious attack. Put
up strong a defense against ransomware that encrypts your private data,
spyware that steals your information, and adware that spams you with
unwanted ads.